ransomtech (2011, April 19). Think Before You Post (online image). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/9zRGGv |
What have you learned about building a positive digital footprint?
I have learned that it is a full-time occupation to build and maintain a positive digital footprint. One must be consistently aware of how they are perceived online and that what may be posted as a "private" comment, may not be so private. Building a positive digital footprint means contributing works, ideas, and creativity so that others may share and build off of.
What have you learned about digital citizenship that could be used to promote quality online interactions with others?
I have learned that digital etiqette is essential when collaborating and bring apart of an online community. Many times, I find, that flame wars and plagiarism occur when users don't understand digital etiquette and rules online. Although the concept of rules and monitoring online use is still in development, it is important to remember that there are people behind those profile pictures.