Friday, 1 May 2015

My First Post!

Well internet, guess what? I'm catching on!

It's been almost 12 years since I first signed up for MSN messenger for the very first time, but now I've finally created my very own blog post. Although it's my online course at Brock University kicking me in the rear to get here, (hey look, I rhymed!) I'm pretty excited to share my opinions experiences and adventures with everyone involved.

Quick background info:

I'm a student currently at Brock University and I'm one of those cool kids who goes to class and then either goes home or goes to the library to study for a ridiculous number of hours to the point where people think I'm antisocial. However, I used to be (and am trying to get back to being) a very involved person. As a kid I grew up in a very Catholic house where I went to church every Sunday and went to Catholic elementary and secondary schools. I was the alter server and even a lector there. I used to play sports more than anything, especially in elementary school where the goal was to collect as many Winit Seals as possible. In high school I made a complete 180 degree turn and became a stage addict and performed in 2 musicals, 3 plays, and 5 cabaret performances. My favorite quote (I think it's from Shakespeare) is Life's a Stage! Followed by the phrase I live by "Fake it 'til you Make it".

Unlike most people, my goal isn't to be rich or famous, but to be average. I want to be that person who can work a typical 8-hour job, come home, raise a family, make a decent wage, enjoy themselves with volunteer and societal involvement, and be a well-rounded individual. Since I have a large number of interests and skills, I don't want to focus on only one aspect of myself, but rather balance everything as a whole. In five years I see myself as a young adult who can walk with her significant other down the street of a small town and talk to shopkeepers and other members of the community. I'll have a decent-paying job with a mortgage on a house. At night I'll be on local theater stages and performing plays that are well-known, obsolete, funny, serious, solemn, hopeful, and everything in between.

The reasons I have started an online blogging adventure is 1) to start conversations about important (and not as important) topics with others to broaden my learning and establish myself as an online presence; 2) to explore the cyber-environment and learn about who I am as a person as well as reflect on who I develop into; 3) contribute to society as the magnificent country has allowed me to do; and 4) because my professor told me to (shh!).

Come join me on my first ever blogging adventure!!

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