Saturday, 16 May 2015

Week 3 - Reflection #3 RSS Feeds

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What item of interest from your feed reader can you share with others through a blog post? How did this inform your own learning?

College Blender has to be my favourite blog on my Feedly so far. It gives students things to think about before, during, and following their post-secondary studies. Also, it can be used to help those who have been out of school for a number of years find the resources and networking they may need in order to advance in their respective field. The most interesting article that popped up on my feed is "Why a Graduate Certificate Might Be Better Than a Master's Degree". It opened up my eyes to the possibilities of graduate studies, because I didn't know there was even another option for graduate studies other than going for a Master's. Thanks to my Feedly reader, I have more information on things I didn't even know to ask for.
What do RSS Feed Readers contribute to your work in building knowledge about digital literacy, responsibility, and citizenship?

RSS Feed Readers and Digital Literacy

There are millions of podcasts, blogs, and online resources available for students, teachers, everyone, online today. RSS Feed Readers are a great way to collect and organize millions of different blogs into one location. This way, learners can explore more about the world and explore more websites and opinions this way rather than using a search engine or taking the "slow" method of researching.

RSS Feed Readers and Digital Responsibility

One of the most important issues with Digital Responsibility is citing and intellectual property. It is very easy to read something online and with the information overload not be able to recall properly where one got that information in the first place. RSS Feed Readers can harm this issue. On one hand, RSS Feed Readers bring in many blogs and ideas into one location and the reader will go through several different accounts and not keep track of which blog it came from.

What type of tools are these? How would you categorize these tools as part of your PLE? Can you categorize them according to the PLE diagram you set up in Week1?

RSS Feeds are aggregate tools that help compile various amounts of information and organize them. What is interesting is that this is my very first ever aggregate Web 2.0 website. So my new PLE map will look like:

It may be hard to notice, but I finally have a bubble under my aggregate tools that I use for my PLE.

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