Technology Use Scenario #2
Michelle likes to go to her Facebook site. Often she will spend two or three hours each day on Facebook. She has a friend list of over 200 - some are close friends but others are just friends of friends. She updates her status several times a day and goes to many friends' sites as well. Michelle's mom thinks that she has about 20 friends on Facebook. What issues might this cause?
Michelle is doing anything wrong in terms using technology. She isn't using Facebook to engage in any illegal transactions, invasions of privacy, or cyberbullying. There is nothing wrong with updating one's status multiple times a day. The issue comes from Michelle's mother's perspective. She may be alarmed that Michelle has so many friends and so many people can see what she posts. Michelle's mother is being slightly naive in terms of how many friends her daughter has. Since most social media seems to be a popularity contest, most teenagers are going to get the most publicity and the most friends they possibly can. Michelle's mother should be asking Michelle who she talks to on Facebook and what kind of posts does she put on. It also wouldn't be a bad idea for her to start her own account and become Michelle's Facebook friend.
Good Post, short and right to the point ! I read this scenario myself and all I could resolve was for her mom to create boundaries. By setting up boundaries her daughter should know her limit's. A part of being a digital citizen is also about being educated on the internet. Which is what I mainly could suggest her mother start doing.