Sunday, 28 June 2015


Because all CAPS makes it that much more exciting.

Hello, friends. Today, I had the pleasure of exploring VoiceThread as part of my academic learning experience and I must say, it was kind of neat. Now, it isn't something that I would run around downtown Toronto in my bare feet saying that if people don't try this I'll go on a hunger strike. However, it makes collaborating a little bit easier because sometimes it's easier to get your point across by recording it through a microphone or a video.

Being in business, particularly finance, I don't think I will have much use for elaborate forms of collaboration. Also, my microphone recording wouldn't work on the website. Now I`m not sure if you have to by a microphone as a separate piece by I couldn’t get my internal microphone to work and it made it that much more frustrating. Since I had to resort back to typing my responses, it felt no different than going on Google Slides or posting the slideshow elsewhere. Therefore, this tools does not fit into my personal learning environment (PLE) and I won’t being using it hereafter (unless a school course requires it).

Please add me on additional social media sites:
Twitter: @jess_reinhart

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