Monday, 29 June 2015

Reflection 9 - Practicing Digital Responsibility,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNEiWt40npT1RN9yKAOSdV8P8_EXPg&ust=1435697112851584

What did you learn/notice in your exploration of VoiceThread or PollDaddy? How will these tools be useful in your educational activities?

When exploring PollDaddy, I discovered that it is a fun, interesting way to get a large group of peoples' opinion on a single question. I really enjoy taking quizzes and polls, and this will be a great site to create some of my own. Many times for presentations I'm trying to find ways to get the class involved, and I think this will be an amazing tool to get people thinking and discussing. The only downside I seemed to notice is that you can't have multiple poll questions in one location, all of the questions have their own location, and that makes things tedious.

I must say I did not enjoy using VoiceThread. For twenty minutes I kept trying to record my answer to the slides and every time my voice wouldn't come through. So when I finally gave up and decided to just answer in text, the text box covered the slide, and I couldn't refer back to the question on the slide. VoiceThread just seems like a giant PowerPoint website where people can make comments, and I can't see myself using it going forward.

How could you add this to your PLE? Will you? How do these collective knowledge building tools support a PLN?

I would add PollDaddy under the Create tab of my PLE because I'm creating content online and am able to begin a discussion. I can be part of my PLN because I'm able to send my poll question to friends and followers via Facebook, Twitter, Wikis, and many more sites.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found them useful ! for that week's session I couldn't find a reason to add them to my updated PLE but i did notice that they would be beneficial for online courses, or even a substitute for seminars. Instead of holding seminars we could just use these and create a well formulated post.
