Tuesday, 30 June 2015


Ok, so before today, I had never made a video slideshow before. Normally I make just the basic presentation format slideshows and that's it. Honestly, I like this so much better. Animoto was such an easy and user-friendly website to create my video. It gave me style and song suggestions and was extremely easy to learn. If only I didn't need to pay to use it.

Typically, I don't usually create content on the internet, so this was an entirely new experience for me. It's actually quite liberating to actually put content on the web that I'm proud of. Animoto was also great for making it easy to share my video once it was complete. I was immediately directed to a web page that gave a dozen or more options for sharing my video on the web. It's so easy to show everyone my creations and ideas and discussions.

This activity was incredibly insightful for me to learn how to properly cite pictures and where to find the information required. K12 Learning 2.0 was particularly helpful in using the Creative Commons website to search for images that were not against copyright laws.

I think that most people don't think to cite or use copyright appropriately because they either don't know that they are, or just assume that, since it's on the internet, it's fair game. Although most of the time we are using the images, etc for our own use (which qualifies as fair use), there are some instances where we publish another creator's work without the proper copyright and citation. I think this can be fixed with the appropriate learning and awareness. Students should be taught about copyright once they start creating presentations and start publicizing their works. It is up to everyone to teach each other about copyright infringement and protecting our rights as creators and users.

Now, without further ado....

Please follow me on other social media as well:

Twitter: @jess_reinhart
LinkedIn: Jessica Reinhart
YouTube: Jessica Reinhart

Credits for images used in video:

.SilentMode (2011, October 19). 10216 Winter Village Bakery (online image). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/axCwPA

Pixel, Louish (2011, August 30). Music Headphones Beats (photograph). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/ajxehR

Dave (2012, November 29). I've got an idea (photograph). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/dxgPF6

Lunchbox LP (2012, October 22). Tristan Prettyman Performs on Walmart Soundcheck October 2012 (photograph). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/dmWL1z

redsoul300 (2009, June 7). youtube logo (online image). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/6uFcW9

pseudoplacebo (2008, April 10). Copyright on the Glosoli music video (online image). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/4EiTmD

"YouTube blocked Germany GEMA de" by YouTube - YouTube.com. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:YouTube_blocked_Germany_GEMA_de.png#/media/File:YouTube_blocked_Germany_GEMA_de.png

Curioso (2006, January 27). Gavel (clipart). Retrieved from http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3504/1968/400/Gavel.png

Vernon Barford School (2015, April 10). Hugs (online image). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/rVxdTB

Wees, David (2012, March 14). Copyright symbol - white background (online image). Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/bqbjQd

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